The reason why im gioing to talk about my personal life is because I would like to share about what I have to say an how I got into the sport. And this is how it started, ever since I was alittle boy I never wanted to do anything but play video games and eat, Yea that’s right I was a fat little kid but my mom married my step dad and he loved the sport call football I never knew it existed. I was spanish so only sport I knew was soccer. But he said I couldent sit around anymore I had to do something so I played basketball for one year I like it but I wanted to try something else. I wasent that into it. So he said why not try football and I said why not so I tried it.And after the first week I wanted to quite, I hated it, and I hateed him for not letting me quite and my mom doin nothing about it. So I coudent do anything else but play so thats what I did. After the first year I was hoping he would care if I quite cause I played for a full year.But next season came around and I was froce to play that year. After the third year I stared to lose weight and get muscle that’s when I started working out with my step dad, I think I was about 15 when I first started pushing weight during my 4th year of playing football I started to love the game. Why? Because I started my first game played as a starter.Boy was I happy, I was so happy that year that I didn’t want to quite anymore I wanted to get bigger,faster and stronger. So that’s how I started my career in football and to this day I wonder what I would be or be doing if my parents didn’t force me to play.and one thing pops always told me is “Football is a game played with arms, legs and shoulders but mostly from the neck up”
About Me

- kennethporras17
- cocoa, florida, United States
- play high school football,plan on taking it to the next level.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Best linebacker to ever step foot on the football feild
The best and my favorite linebacker is Ray Lewis. The reason why I say his name is because I watch a lot of football and from all the linebackers ive seen he in my opinion is the best even though he might be 3rd or 4th in other peoples opinion or even in the internet he is suppose to be rank number one, including that he is a two time champion and has played for more the 13 years and also nominated defence of player of the year more then twice. This man is dedicated to the sport. He might not know it but hes a role model to a lot of younger players. I love looking up highlights of him and listen top what he says reason is because he is a champion and knows a lot about the game so anything he says I listen carefully. He says a lot of meaningful things everytime I feel like giving up and nothing can get better I listen to what he says and does. He is so dedicated and he really loves the game you can tell because he has been playing for a long time and made it to the NFL and still wants to improve.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How to play
Foobtall is one of the most noticibale sports in the united states , a lot of people now about it and very few don’t. this sport can only be played by men. This sport is probably the biggest sport in the us, why because everybody loves it. One game that everybody watches is the super bowl. Many people think that playing football isent that hard but its not as easy as it looks. Why do I say that cause I play it. I know its hard but only people that love the sport stick to it. Because if it was that easy everybody would be doing it. Takes hard work and dedication to play a sport such as football. These are the ruloes to playing football on a high school team. There is always a deffence and an offence on any sport. So on that note there is a man called the quarterback the guy that throws the ball and theres a receiver the guy the catches the ball also a ruining back the man who runs the ball and can catch,the last on the offence is the lineman the guys who block for the quarterback and running back. On the other side of the ball is the deffence, there is four lineman the guys who try and get the lineman of the linebackers and the linebackers are the guys the make most of the tackles the leaders of the d. then theres corner backs the guys that cover the receivers and last is the safety a man the watches for receivers. There is a total of 11 players on each side of the ball and on touchdown or score counts as 6 points and the kicking team makes the extra point.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sports of The Times
Ring Helps Rodgers Secure Place in Packers Lore
On Sunday, Aaron Rodgers secured the validation he needed to go with the statistics and flowing platitudes, slamming the door shut on any remaining vestige of the Favre era.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.
- Archie Griffen
i pick this quote to go on my blogger wall because in football this is what most coaches say, why because when a small team has to play against a much bigger size team some players are going to intemidated. So coaches thought of saying "Its not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog." Meaning its not the size of the players its the team that wants to when the game the most.. Witch in my eyes is very true.
- Archie Griffen
i pick this quote to go on my blogger wall because in football this is what most coaches say, why because when a small team has to play against a much bigger size team some players are going to intemidated. So coaches thought of saying "Its not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog." Meaning its not the size of the players its the team that wants to when the game the most.. Witch in my eyes is very true.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Football 36
The topic that I choose the topic that I choose is because im dedicated to the sport.
I labeled it football36, football because I love it. I put a lot of time and hard work in
In to it.T he reason I choose to put the number 36 in my titls is because that is my
Football number. Only people that love to do somethin would understand how I feel
About football.The way I got so attached to football is because of my step dad,
When I was 8 he force me to play casue I was outta shape and did nothin but play v
Vidoe games and I hated football it was so hard to do and so much work but now all I
think about it football.My list for priorities goose family, football, school, and friends.
I think that if someone saw my title they would think “ He obviosly plays football and
his number must be 36 so my title is pretty forward. Im goin to try and make my whole
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