Foobtall is one of the most noticibale sports in the united states , a lot of people now about it and very few don’t. this sport can only be played by men. This sport is probably the biggest sport in the us, why because everybody loves it. One game that everybody watches is the super bowl. Many people think that playing football isent that hard but its not as easy as it looks. Why do I say that cause I play it. I know its hard but only people that love the sport stick to it. Because if it was that easy everybody would be doing it. Takes hard work and dedication to play a sport such as football. These are the ruloes to playing football on a high school team. There is always a deffence and an offence on any sport. So on that note there is a man called the quarterback the guy that throws the ball and theres a receiver the guy the catches the ball also a ruining back the man who runs the ball and can catch,the last on the offence is the lineman the guys who block for the quarterback and running back. On the other side of the ball is the deffence, there is four lineman the guys who try and get the lineman of the linebackers and the linebackers are the guys the make most of the tackles the leaders of the d. then theres corner backs the guys that cover the receivers and last is the safety a man the watches for receivers. There is a total of 11 players on each side of the ball and on touchdown or score counts as 6 points and the kicking team makes the extra point.
About Me

- kennethporras17
- cocoa, florida, United States
- play high school football,plan on taking it to the next level.
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I agree with this post a lot because football might look easy but its not. Theres a lot oif excersice and running and if it was easy a lot more people would be doing it. Football takes dedication but other sports do too. I like this post it tells you a lot you need to now about football and the positions you football players play!!